



地点: 云顶集团yd1233五楼报告厅

题目: 可持续化发展的电动交通:愿景和挑战 (Towards Sustainable E-Mobility: Vision and Challenges)

报告摘要: 现代智能交通系统的发展离不开安全、高效的交通能源技术。交通能源领域的技术变革也是推动交通运输行业,乃至社会能源系统变革的重要途径。能源与交通是现代人类社会的两大基石,能源与交通的变革也自然就是现代社会最根本的变革,新能源汽车(以电机作为动力驱动,以电能为其动力来源,从而脱离对石油的依赖)将成为能源互联网与交通互联网变革交互的突破点。全球汽车产业正进入以电气化、智能化为主的转型升级时代。世界各国已开始布局新能源汽车市场,以作为未来的运载出行工具,同时亦发布了禁售传统能源车的时间表。新能源汽车的信息化技术(包含智能充电服务、数字多媒体娱乐辅助/配套服务等)是代表全球当前新一轮科技技术和产业发展制高点竞争的重要领域,对于提升交通运输效率、增强交通出行安全、缓解交通拥堵、减少空气污染、提高驾驶和乘坐舒适性等具有十分重要的意义,发展前景广阔、发展潜力巨大。信息化技术将是新能源汽车大规模普及的重中之重,提供了如一键找电、路径规划、用户点评等服务。其中,充/换电站位置的查询、推荐、路径规划、及充/换电服务辅助等是关键和核心技术。该报告将介绍有关电动出行的整体系统框架、信息化技术对其的影响和挑战、以及未来融合电动出行和智能驾驶的可行方案。

Abstract: The development of clean and sustainable energy has a great potential to promote E-Mobility. The concern about environment and public health, especially in urban areas, has led to the many developed countries to announce their deadline to ban petrol and diesel vehicles in next upcoming years. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are expected to be widely adopted for individuals, commercial and public vehicle fleets, and will have a significant impact on the sustainable development of urban city. Recently, the Automated and Electric Vehicles represents a significant step towards an EV revolution, improved air quality, reduced congestion, boosted road safety. This act will see an improvement in charging infrastructures availability, providing the government with new powers to ensure motorway services and upgraded with plenty of charging infrastructures, consequently will ensure the UK’s infrastructures system is ready for the biggest transport revolution in a century. Apart from major research efforts on charging scheduling concerning “when/whether to charge” while EVs are parked at charging station, a few efforts on charging recommendation aim to improve the driving and charging experience, concerning “where to charge” while EVs are on-the-move during journeys. A standard and extensive in-vehicle layer that allows such E-Mobility applications to be used in a vehicle environment, would greatly benefit EV drivers, and also open up opportunity for creative and innovate new services. Emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can turn these problems to a holistic solution, and help to understand the whole picture of future transport electrification and energy systems. This talk will provide a holistic picture on E-Mobility, with pathway to unlock the impact, challenges, and benefits of ICT, along with the vision on provisioning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) for the E-Mobility of future.

报告人简介:曹越,北京航空航天大学,交通科学与工程学院教授。围绕信息、交通、能源三方面交叉特点,主要研究方向涵盖车联网通信及安全,新能源汽车充电控制及交通调度,无人驾驶自主泊车管理等。海外期间参与并主持了多项由欧盟-FP7&Interreg、英国-EPSRC” 资助的科研项目,及欧盟-Erasmus Mundus&H2020、英国-文化教育协会牛顿基金等资助的国际交流项目。在国际权威期刊及会议上发表论文100余篇,以第一作者身份发表IEEE期刊论文20余篇。本科毕业于武汉工程大学电子通信专业、硕士毕业于英国萨里大学移动通信系统专业、博士毕业于英国萨里大学5G创新研究中心电子工程专业,历任该中心博士后研究员,英国诺森比亚大学、英国兰卡斯特大学终身教职;受外方基金资助特邀访问日本早稻田大学、新西兰奥克兰理工大学、法国国立路桥大学;现为英国高等教育协会会士,IEEE AccessKSII Transactions on Internet and Information SystemsSpringer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking等国际期刊副编辑。

BIO: Dr. Yue Cao is currently appointed as Professor at School of Transportation Science and Engineering at Beihang University, China. He received the PhD degree from the Institute for Communication Systems (ICS), 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC), at University of Surrey, UK in 2013, further worked as researcher staff and academic staff at University of Surrey, Northumbria University, Lancaster University, UK. He has participated in 2 UK EPSRC and 4 EU projects, been active in international engagement and leading several international exchange projects with New Zealand, Japan, Thailand and France etc. Over the last few years, he has hopped from ICT into a multidisciplinary research field under the umbrella of Intelligent Transport Systems, includes “Transport and Energy”, “Computation and Communications”, “Cyber Security and Localization”. He has published over 20 IEEE journals as the 1st author through his research pathway, led several special issues on IEEE IoT Journal, IET ITS etc, and been serving as the Associate Editor of IEEE Access, Springer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems etc.


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